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Sharron Angle believes voter fraud robbed her of a Senate seat

Sharron Angle believes voter fraud robbed her of a Senate seat

by digby

Nevada Republicans are very concerned about voter fraud.  So they held yet another hearing to hash out the issue.  This story outlines what the writersterms the ensuing “fiesta of crazy” but I thought I’d just highlight just a little bit of his report:

Former Assemblywoman Sharron Angle, who has made a cottage industry out of implying her 2010 loss to Harry Reid in the U.S. Senate race was due to fraud, testified that between 3 percent and 9 percent of votes cast nationally were fraudulent, and that Nevada’s numbers were higher!

Evidence? Proof? Examples? Assemblyman Elliot Anderson wanted to know, risibly referring to Angle as an “expert” in the area.

“I do not have any examples that I know of,” Angle replied.

The same thing happened when Assemblyman Tyrone Thompson, D-North Las Vegas, asked Dickman for evidence. “Don’t you want to head off the fraud? I do,” Dickman replied, by way of non-answer. But despite the lack of readily available evidence, proponents of the bill stubbornly stuck to their belief that fraud is occurring. Assemblyman John Moore assumed facts not in evidence even more, asking a lobbyist for the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada if she was “OK” with people who are not U.S. citizens selecting elected representatives.

Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, R-Las Vegas, apparently didn’t like the fact that some committee members and witnesses claimed that minorities would be disproportionately harmed by a voter ID law. “We’re in 2015 and we have a black president, in case anyone didn’t notice,” she said. And there were apparently audible gasps in one of the hearing rooms after Fiore referred to colleague Harvey Munford, D-Las Vegas, who is black, as the first “colored man to graduate from his college.”

Fiore, you may recall was a big media presence in the Bundy stand-off.

No word on whether she had any barbequed “casualty” at the picnic later that day …


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