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Scott Walker is a genius

Scott Walker is a genius

by digby

A foreign policy savant at least:

Walker: I remember the movie in the 80s, Trading Places…

Hewitt: Right.

Walker: …you know, with Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy, it’s like Iran and Israel are trading places in the sequel. In the eyes of this president, our ally is supposed to be Israel. Our adversary has been historically Iran. And yet this administration completely does it the other way around. We need to call radical Islamic terrorism for what it is, and a commander-in-chief who’s willing to act.

Joan Walsh quips:

No word on which nation is Aykroyd and which is Murphy; hoping other reporters will follow up. (If Walker finds that metaphor doesn’t work, he can play around with “Freaky Friday.”)

Walsh’s whole piece is worth reading. Honestly I cannot figure out why so many smart people think Walker is a formidable political talent. He’s a typical GOP shallow, banal doofus without any of the macho swagger of Bush or the charisma of Reagan. You’ve got to have something and I cannot for the life of me see what it is he’s supposed to have.


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