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War of the Worlds

War of the Worlds

by digby

I have written for years that the right wing was so terrified of Muslim terrorists that they had literally confused them with invading space aliens. But maybe they aren’t the only ones.

Emptywheel noted this strange passage in the recently released FBI report on post 9/11 changes:

The Review Commission recognizes that national security threats to the United States have multiplied, and become increasingly complex and more globally dispersed in the past decade. Hostile states and transnational networks—including cyber hackers and organized syndicates, space-system intruders, WMD proliferators, narcotics and human traffickers, and other organized criminals—are operating against American interests across national borders, and within the United States. [my emphasis]

My God, it’s bad enough that all these people are out there operating against our interests. Now, we find out that “space-system intruders” hate America too.

Klaatu barada nikto, my friends.

*And yes, I’m sure they didn’t mean this to imply that space aliens are threatening America. It’s just one of those stupid opaque law enforcement terms. But as Emptywheel points out the report is so full of silly jargon and shrill fear-mongering that anyone can be forgiven for feeling that we are under siege from super-villains of every possible stripe.


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