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Projecting the mullahs in the mirror

Projecting the mullahs in the mirror

by digby

Am I the only one who finds it just a little bit odd that the American officials loudly claiming Iran cannot be trusted to fulfill any deal are simultaneously pledging that they will not fulfill any deal? Is it possible they have such little self-awareness?

Steve Benen reported on a couple of them:

HOST: You have said that you would cancel any Iranian deal the Obama administration makes. Now would you cancel that even if our trading partners did not want to re-impose the sanctions?

WALKER: Absolutely.

Marco Rubio recently made an identical vow, saying he would “absolutely” defy American allies by scrapping an Iran deal.

Jeb Bush said, “I cannot stand behind such a flawed agreement.”

They get very upset when you call social conservatives right wing Mullahs. But in this case these Republicans are literally acting like the Mullahs of their imaginations.

I’m sure the Iranians will have to be very closely watched. There’s a reason why this agreement is necessary in the first place. But bellowing about how untrustworthy they are while boldly asserting your own untrustworthiness doesn’t exactly set a good example.



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