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Don’t make me hit you honey

Don’t make me hit you honey

by digby

The alleged persecution of Christians in America is silly enough. Now it’s white, male Christians in particular who are being crucified on the metaphorical cross:

If you are a Christian or a white man in the U.S.A. it’s open season on you. Therefore Hillary Clinton has an advantage. She can run a general campaign, first woman in the White House and I’m going to help you by increasing the entitlement society.

It will take a very articulate and tough-minded Republican to defeat her.

One final thing, we at The Factor as I said we’re going to be fair to Hillary Clinton. But we’re going to be tough as we are on all political candidates.

I don’t think gender matters one bit. And if this war on women business is resurrected we will have something to say about it.

Also Mrs. Clinton would be well-advised, well-advised to distance herself from Media Matters and the other gutter snipe organizations who use despicable, dishonest tactics to attack those with whom they disagree.

If you embrace the smear merchants, Mrs. Clinton, we will have something to say about it.

There’s nothing remotely creepy about some wealthy, older white guy laying down the law about what she’s allowed to talk about if she wants to avoid his wrath. On the other hand, the older white men who make up the Fox audience probably felt a little stirring they hadn’t felt in quite a while when they heard it. Their wives maybe not so much.

You have to watch the video to get the full effect.

Update: Hmmm. I thought this sounded familiar:

MATTHEWS: Hillary Clinton got the message wrong. The American people want to have health care for people who work for a living. Working families should get a good wage and they should get health care as part of a living income. She said, “I’m going to give you universal coverage. I want to give every man who gets into this country, legally or illegally, free health care, and they’re going to have to thank me for it, and bring flowers to me like I’m Evita.” That’s different than giving people workers’ rights, or giving them what they go out and work for a living for, including health care. She didn’t want to sell it as a workers’ benefit. She wanted to sell it as socialism, because then she could get credit for it. She and the government, like Eleanor Roosevelt, her hero.


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