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Bloodthirsty nation

Bloodthirsty nation

by digby

This makes me sick:

When you don’t even give a shit that innocent people might be executed or that it’s more likely to affect minorities you are an immoral piece of work who could, under your own value system, logically be executed yourself. After all, if you support executing innocent people you are no better than a murderer yourself.

Unsurprisingly, Republicans are more bloodthirsty than anyone else in the country. They aren’t quite as bad as they used to be, but they’re still bad. Democrats seem to be growing a bit more of a conscience:

Wider Partisan Gap on Death Penalty

I obviously don’t support the death penalty. But I have some sympathy for those who truly believe the system works to only execute the guilty and that it’s color blind. They’re wrong about the facts but it’s a moral question that operates on a pretty complicated level. It’s this blithe acceptance that innocent people might be killed that shows this is about simple-minded blood lust not justice. It’s barbaric.


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