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Cretins in our midst

Cretins in our midst

by digby

I have been known to get downright violent when I see people doing this at the beach. I can’t even begin to tell you the level of loathing I have for these worst examples of the human species when I see it:

Well, just when you think people can’t be anymore savage and disgusting… a group of 4 in their 20’s took a baby sea lion off the beach last night, put it in the trunk of their car and drove off. Witnesses saw the group throwing things and teasing the animals, who based on their size were left on the beach as the mother foraged for food. They got a blanket, wrapped it around the juvenile pinneped and put it in the trunk of their car and left. The witnesses called police when they saw the group teasing the animals… but they left by the time LAPD arrived. The car was described as a 2 door black Honda Civic. The occupants are described as being total assholes. Earlier in the night LAPD cited and called parents of several drunk juveniles who were partying at the beach.

Here’s the official story:

Nasty bites and federal prosecution are just two of the risks for whomever stole a baby seal lion from its mother on Dockweiler State Beach early Sunday morning, according to a wildlife expert.

Pete Wallerstein of Marine Animal Rescue told City News Service that sea lions “have a bite 10 times greater than a pit bull,” and he is concerned that someone may have been bitten when one of two sea lion pups was taken from the beach sometime before 3:30 a.m. Sunday.

Wallerstein said he went to the beach after security officers alerted him that two baby sea lions had come to shore, and one had gotten stuck in some nearby bushes.

Wallerstein freed the stuck pup, but said two Los Angeles police officers told him some people had wrapped the other sea lion pup in a blanket, put it in their vehicle and drove away. That’s a federal crime punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 and a year in jail.

The people who took the pup could also run into an issue taking care of it, Wallerstein said.

“It’s hard to feed them and they need water,” he said.

Wallerstein said that baby sea lions often come to shore, and are having an issue with starving.

There have been record numbers of babies on the beach, starving. They don’t know why. It’s horrible.

For anyone who lives here in Southern California and sees these baby sea lions on the beach, this is the proper protocol:

Do not approach or touch the animal. It is a federal offense to disturb them, and they may bite when threatened. Marine Mammals / pinnipeds are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972.

Do not push, chase or coax the animal back into the water. It may need rest and if you push it back in the water it may drown.

Do not pour water on the animal. Pouring water on it may only further serve to debilitate a sick or injured animal.

Do not feed. Feeding the animal something other than what it is accustomed to may lead to illness and even death.

When I’ve seen people prodding or otherwise bothering the animal, I call the cops and a lifeguard. And then I cover my mouth with my hand and run up to the people warning them that these animals have a dreaded disease that’s killing people all along the West Coast and even the slightest exposure could lead to extreme illness. Most of them are such dumb idiots they believe me and walk off quickly. The one’s who don’t usually just laugh like the barbaric scumbags they are until the authorities show up and then they scatter.

WTF is wrong with people?


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