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The nativists are restless

The nativists are restless

by digby

Xenophobes take no prisoners:

A new video posted online shows a Republican congressman threatening an immigration protester during a heated exchange over President Barack Obama‘s executive orders.

“If you touch me again, I’ll drop your ass,” Rep. Stephen Knight (R-CA) told a man whom he called “Mike.” The video was posted by We the People Rising, a group that, according to its website, is a grassroots organization that opposes illegal immigration.

In the video, Mike and his fellow protesters repeatedly accuse Knight of having voted for President Obama’s “amnesty.” Knight claimed he “never voted for amnesty” — a claim the protesters scoffed at.

“Oh, come on!” one said. “We’re gonna vote you out in two years when your term’s over!” another said. Protesters were holding signs that read, “Stop Illegal Immigration” and “Secure The Border.”

What did he do?

The argument hinged on whether or not Knight’s vote to fund the Department of Homeland Society, in spite of the fact that the bill did not make funding contingent on President Obama undoing his November 2014 executive action on immigration, constituted tacit support of “amnesty.”

Knight was one of 75 House Republicans to support the final bill that would continue funding the department without concessions from the president.

That’s right. He agreed to fund the Department of Homeland Security which in the minds of these bozos means he voted for amnesty.

It’s not easy being a California Republican politician these days, that’s for sure.The only people who vote for the GOP here are the most far right, xenophobic lunatics the party produces anywhere. Every last normal person has disavowed their membership. These are your people congressman. Does it make you proud?


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