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To hell with the dying “sad sacks”

To hell with the dying “sad sacks”

by digby

I don’t know how I missed this story from Sahil Kapur but it’s a beaut. It’s Senator Ron Johnson (vying for the title of dumbest senator) talking about the GOP’s greatest fear if the Supremes over turn the subsidies in King vs Burwell:

JOHNSON: Unfortunately, President Obama’s response to an adverse decision — in other words one that actually follows the law — would be really simple. Just a one-sentence bill allowing people’s subsidies to flow to federal exchanges and/or offer the governors, ‘Hey, we know you got those federal exchanges. Just sign the bottom line. We’ll make those established by the state.’ And of course, he’ll have the ads all racked up with the individuals that have benefited from Obamacare on the backs of the American taxpayer. He’ll have all those examples as well so…

WEBER: And the sad sack stories about who’s dying from what and why they can’t get their coverage.


WEBER: Oh yeah.

Right. He’ll have all those examples of dying sad sacks who got their health insurance on the backs of Real Americans. Boo hoo hoo, amirite?

I love it when these guys put it right out there. He believes that the people who’ve received health care subsidies are a bunch of moochers who clearly don’t deserve to have health insurance. Now, I’m sure he will say that TORT REFORM! will solve everything and we’ll all be magically covered if only we can shop for policies in Malaysia or something, but his words give the whole thing away: “on the backs of the America taxpayer.” Apparently this fool doesn’t think that people who get subsidies pay taxes. They do, of course.



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