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Yes, our police torture citizens who are in the midst of medical emergencies

Yes, our police torture citizens who are in the midst of medical emergencies

by digby

David Washington crashed into a car and a street sign after having a medical emergency, but the officers just assumed he was disobeying orders. They tasered him, blasted a long shot of pepper spray directly in his eyes and when he fell out of the car they let it run over his foot. And then the cop asked the sick citizen if he understood why he had to be sprayed.

I’ve been writing about this for years. They torture people who cannot respond. They don’t bother to even try to ascertain if there might be something wrong. They do it to deaf people and people who are having epileptic seizures. Obviously, they do it to people who are mentally ill and not a danger to anyone all the time. They do it at will and rarely does anyone care.

If there wasn’t a body cam recording this, they would have said he was like a raging Giant, threatening them menacingly and they had no choice but to subdue him by whatever means they could.

And think about this. They are at the scene of an accident. How could possibly not have been concerned that the man was injured? The lack of common sense is staggering.


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