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Histrionic Huckleberry QOTD

Histrionic Huckleberry QOTD

by digby

“Well, it’s easier to talk to the North Korean guy than it is [Hillary Clinton].I think it’s the lack of confidence in her ability to distinguish herself from Barack Obama.”

Graham was on message throughout, telling the hosts that he was committed to sending American troops back to Iraq to destroy the Islamic State.

Co-host Steve Doocy had to cut in.

“It’s a tough message,” Doocy said. “A lot of people are just worn out by war.”

“Well, don’t vote for me,” Graham said.

“Don’t vote for me, because I’m telling you what’s coming. Barack Obama’s policies of leading from behind are going to allow another 9/11,” he said.

Runferyerlives yadda, yadda, yadda ….


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