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Huckleberry’s coalition

Huckleberry’s coalition

by digby

Lot’s of good quotes from Republican hopefuls this week-end. Huckleberry is pushing the envelope in more ways than one:

Bash asked about Graham’s recent message to voters who are worn out by war: “Don’t vote for me.”

“You are basically promising that troops are going to go into that region,” Bash said on Sunday.

“Absolutely. I promise you that,” Graham said. “I don’t know how you defend the nation without some of our forces going back to Iraq to help the Iraqi army. This is our war too. I’m not going to outsource our national security to a bunch of armies that don’t know how to fight. How do you deal with Syria without forming an army in the region, and how do they win without us?”

The South Carolina senator also warned of a “cyber Pearl Harbor,” in which hackers could try to take down American financial systems, and called Russia a “totalitarian dictatorship.” But when asked about domestic issues—specifically, on the environment and transgender rights—Graham took a decidedly more moderate tack.

“If Caitlyn Jenner wants to be safe and have a prosperous economy, vote for me,” Graham responded. “I’m into addition. I haven’t walked in her shoes. I don’t have all the answers to the mysteries of life. I can only imagine the torment that Bruce Jenner went through. I hope he has—I hope she has found peace. I’m a pro-life, traditional marriage kind of guy. But I’m running to be president of the United States. If Caitlyn Jenner wants to be a Republican, she is welcome in my party.”

So basically he’s inviting transgender people to vote for him but telling people who aren’t enthusiastic about re-invading Iraq that he doesn’t want their vote.

He also pretty much declared war on Russia and said we have to cut Social Security and raise defense spending. And he said climate change is real and that if we can’t agree on abortion we should talk about cutting taxes.

Let’s just say he’s attempting to build an unusual coalition. I’m not sure who the transgender tolerant, low tax warmongering climate hawks are but he’s making a major play for them.


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