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That’s that #Obamacarefix

That’s that #Obamacarefix

by digby

The Supreme Court may still find for the plaintiffs in the Obamacare lawsuit and make the absurd argument that it’s no big deal because the congress can simply fix one sentence, but if you didn’t know it already, this makes it very clear what an idiotic rationale that would be:

At the G7 conference in Germany on Monday, the president said if the justices strip subsidies from millions of Americans, “Congress could fix this whole thing with a one-sentence provision” making clear that subsidies are available in all 50 states. Republicans quickly fired off a rebuttal.

“Let’s be clear: if the Supreme Court rules against the Administration, Congress will not pass a so called ‘one-sentence’ fake fix,” Wyoming Senator John Barrasso, who is leading Republican efforts to craft a contingency plan, said in a statement.

There you have it.

It wouldn’t be a fake fix at all, of course. Whatever sabotage the Republicans come up with would be the “fake fix.” If the Supremes reject the administration’s argument they are basically giving the GOP a cudgel with which to destroy sick people’s lives. And they know it.


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