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“I have been called many things in my life – quitter wasn’t one of them”

“I have been called many things in my life – quitter wasn’t one of them”

by digby

That was perhaps the line in Hillary Clinton’s speech that reflects what people who like her respect about her. And it makes her rivals nearly apoplectic with frustration.

Her first major speech today was very Clintonesque. By that I mean is was a lot like those Bill Clinton laundry list speeches that all the Villagers hate but the people inevitably like. She’s no Barack Obama. But that’s ok. The Democratic agenda is quite popular which is why Bill Clinton always did it successfully.

I’m a terrible gauge of speeches because they rarely move me. Even Obama didn’t bring out a lot of emotion for me. So I can’t say I was particularly moved by this one. But I will confess, her closing got to me a little bit:

“An America where a father can tell his daughter, ‘yes, you can be anything you want to be, even president of the U.S'”

FWIW I felt the same way about the lines in Obama’s speeches when he referenced the breaking down of racial barriers. I know it’s largely symbolic and I don’t make my political decisions based solely on ending white male supremacy. I wouldn’t vote for Sarah Palin or Ben Carson. But it isn’t nothing. Not by a long shot.


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