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More Village navel gazing

More Village navel gazing

by digby

There have now been at least 20 stories filed about this. Seriously, stop the presses!!!

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign prohibited a Daily Mail journalist from covering its Monday event in Manchester, New Hampshire, as the designated print pool reporter, marking the latest spat with the press over access.

McClatchy’s Anita Kumar tweeted that Clinton’s press vans left for the event without Daily Mail U.S. Political Editor David Martosko, who was scheduled to cover it and provide a pool report to journalists unable to attend because of space limitations.

The Clinton traveling press corps, like the White House Correspondents’ Association, has established a pool rotation for campaign events that can’t accommodate large numbers of journalists. Traditionally, journalists, rather than the campaign or administration being covered, decide who serves as pool reporter for the group. So journalists unsurprisingly took issue with the campaign’s decision.

If you are wondering why people think the news media is boring and useless, this would be why. I understand why reporters would be miffed over this sort of thing. But they really should stop and think about whether anybody else in the country could possibly give a damn about it.

Having said that, Clinton’s people should serve these people some lobster and Dove bars so at least they’ll be in a sugar coma most of the time.

It really is all about them …

Update: Notice that they forgot to mention just who it was that was left off the press bus. C&L has the details:

Before Martosko was exiled to The Daily Mail, he was the editor of Tucker Carlson’s hack site, the Daily Caller. He set about the work of ratfcking with a purpose there, lying about Senator Robert Menendez and hookers in order to try and knock Menendez out of contention.

More of his resumé, via Mother Jones:

Before Daily Caller Editor in Chief Tucker Carlson hired him in 2011—a controversial choice given Martosko’s previous arrests and lack of experience in journalism—Martosko spent a decade working for Richard Berman, a longtime PR operative behind a number of industry-backed campaigns. At Berman and Company, Martosko served as the director of research for the Center for Consumer Freedom, a Berman-run nonprofit that opposes new laws on food and beverages. CCF, which is funded by the food and beverage industry, runs Humane Watch, a website that posts derogatory information about the Humane Society of the United States. Martosko was the site’s “founding editor.” CCF also operates Activist Cash, a website that compiles biographical information on groups and individuals that engage in “anti-consumer activism.”

What a guy.

Journalists will defend him but not Glenn Greenwald.


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