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They have a plan. To help themselves.

They have a plan. To help themselves.

by digby

This is just sad:

Ryan said that should the Supreme Court deem the federal subsidies unconstitutional and leave six million people uninsured, the GOP has “a solution that addresses this law. We’ll have a solution for the people caught in this law, so that they’re not caught in the lurch.”

His offer of providing people both insurance and “freedom from Obamacare” was extraordinarily vague, though, so much so that Wallace became visibly annoyed. “For all the complaints,” he said, “we’re five years into Obamacare and Republicans have still not come up with a coherent plan that will ensure that all of those millions of people will get coverage.”

Ryan repeatedly refused to offer specific details about what the Republican’s “freedom from Obamacare” insurance plan would entail, offering instead political platitudes. “We will have an answer,” he said, sounding less like a politician and more like a kid at summer camp trying to convince his bunkmates of the existence of his Canadian girlfriend. “We will have a solution.”

Ryan said his party would provide the public with details of this plan once it had a chance to “customize” it after the Supreme Court invalidates Obamacare.

It’s progress that Ryan admits that people will be left in the lurch so that’s something. But I’m sure they can come up with some fake fix that they can force Obama to veto so it’s all good. For Republicans. You see, when he’s talking about people being left in the lurch that’s who he’s really talking about.


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