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Gun nuts do the darndest things

Gun nuts do the darndest things

by digby

Via Tbogg:

According to The Gazette, Alex Kozak was taken into custody after shooting 20-year-old Andrea Farrington three times in the back while she was at work at the Iowa Children’s Museum in the Coral Ridge Mall in Coralville, Iowa.

Police say that the 22-year-old Kozak left the mall and went to his home and retrieved a 9mm Glock handgun before retuning and shooting Farrington late Friday night..

KCJJ reports that a cousin of Farrington’s said that Kozak had been harassing the victim for at least six weeks and that she had complained to his superiors about unwanted advances he had made toward her. A later report stated that Kozak was fired from his job before the shooting took place.

“They both worked at the Coral Ridge Mall and knew each other through the Coral Ridge Mall,” Johnson County Attorney Janet Lyness said. Kozak had worked at the mall since 2014.

After shooting Farrington, Kozak fled the mall in his car but was later pulled over without incident.

Here’s a sampling of the guy’s Facebook page:

I’m not saying this swaggering, aggressive gun culture might lead this fine young fellow to feel a certain sense of “entitlement”. This is just one young man out of millions of law abiding gun owners. But it probably fair to point a finger at the movement when people who take on gun rights as their identity start shooting people who fail to give them what they want.

Update: Oh look, the gun nuts’ brothers in arms, the “men’s rights” movement are with this fine fellow all the way. Natch.


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