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For the sake of the economy, end mass incarceration, @Gaius_Publius

For the sake of the economy, end mass incarceration

by Gaius Publius

I’ve become fascinated by the Robert Reich video series, The Big Picture: 10 Ideas to Save the Economy. (Their homepage is here;  check it out if you want to watch the whole set.)

This is the tenth, about mass incarceration in the U.S., and how that hurts not only the people it wrongly jails, but the economy as well. Watch:

As Reich says in the film:

Instead of locking people up unjustly, and then locking them out of the economy for the rest of their lives, we need to stop wasting human talent and open doors of opportunity … to everyone. 

Note, in the list of “what to do,” the Ban the Box recommendation. I hadn’t thought of that, but it’s necessary.

By the way, I’m told he does all of his own illustrations; it’s one of the things about his teaching that make his classes so popular.

That and the content, of course.



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