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A symbol “that doesn’t quite strike you right”

A symbol “that doesn’t quite strike you right”

by digby

It’s hard to believe that this guy’s supposed to be the “moderate” in the GOP presidential field:

We’re not going to give this a guy an excuse about a book he might have read or a movie he watched or a song he listened to or a symbol out anywhere. It’s him … not the flag,” the Republican senator told CNN’s “New Day” Alisyn Camerota.

When Graham was asked his thoughts regarding the Confederate flag, he said, “It works here, that’s what the statehouse agreed to do. You could probably visit other places in the country near some symbol that doesn’t quite strike you right.”

He’s close, but no cigar. The truth is that people are getting sick and tired of giving neo-confederates and their ignorant sympathisers the “excuse” that their symbol of slavery, hatred and racial violence is benign and allowing them to pretend that they aren’t using it as a symbol of white supremacy. That’s what it is.

And no, it’s impossible to find a symbol in America that doesn’t “strike” anyone quite as wrong as that one unless you’re talking about swastikas and I haven’t seen any of those flying on the grounds of official government buildings lately and you don’t commonly see them on license plate holders and beer cozies. To a lot of us, there is no difference between them. And those who think there is a difference are lying to themselves or lying to everyone else.


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