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QOTD: a right wing imbecile

QOTD: a right wing imbecile

by digby

Yes, I’m talking about Tucker Carlson:

The president has said a number of times guns are the problem, guns cause violence. There’s nobody in the world surrounded by more armed people than President Obama himself. I notice he’s not suggesting that the people around him disarm. He wants to remain protected, but the rest of us have to go without means of self-protection.

What we’re saying is, the president’s position is that guns cause violence, guns are inherently bad and dangerous. The rest of us need to disarm and not protect ourselves. And he’s exempt from that?

I’m sure Tucker sees himself as being in need of “protection” at the same level as the president but let’s be honest — he’s unlikely to be the target of anyone because nobody really knows or cares about him. And I’m fairly sure that if Carlson is armed he’s far more likely to be one of the millions of morons who shoot innocent people or themselves by accident.

But never let it be said that he isn’t one supercilious little twit who smugly delivers the most fatuous arguments in the land with a barely suppressed smirk on his face. He gives Huckabee a run for his money on that one.

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