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by digby

I like this:

After Donald Trump’s Mexico-bashing comments this week, Mexicans are engaging in a little Trump-bashing of their own.

Call it revenge, Mexican style. Artisan Dalton Avalos Ramirez has launched a Trump pinata, featuring The Donald’s inimitable hairstyle and a big, big mouth.

The papier-mache figure will come in a variety of sizes. The first was on display Friday at the Pinatas Ramirez store in the border city of Reynosa.

Avalos Ramirez says he created it “because of the hatred Trump expressed for the Mexican people.”

He said “people want to burn the pinatas, they want to break them

One of the commenters said “this is the first time I’ve seen a pinata that looked prettier than the original.”

Trump, being the thickheaded egomaniac he is sent these tweets this week-end:

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