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“Cuz we’re so good and they’re so evul”

“Cuz we’re so good and they’re so evul”

by digby


“I don’t know how you can sit with somebody for an hour in a church and pray with them and get up and shoot them. That’s Mideast hate. That’s something I didn’t think we had here but apparently we do.”

Like everything else, “our” hate is so much better than “their ” hate.

It never occurred to him that nice little white boys from South Carolina might be vicious homicidal bastards? It’s true they haven’t had a full blown lynching in a while, but there was a time they made quite a habit of it. Senator Graham needs to get out more.

By the way, Graham might be misled by the fact that South Carolina doesn’t seem to have any more racially based hate crime than other places in the US. But there’s a possible reason for that:

[It] has no specific hate-crime legislation on the books. Like all states, South Carolina is covered by federal laws defining hate crimes. But unlike nearly every other state, South Carolina doesn’t specify tougher sentences or widen the group of people who can be victims of hate crimes.

The don’t need it because they don’t have that “mideast” hate. Well, most of them don’t anyway.



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