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Jim Webb party of one

Jim Webb party of one

by digby

I don’t know who he’s trying to woo:

He could not easily attack Clinton from the left, as former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley (D) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) have, although criminal justice reform provides one such opening. He has also argued that she would not aggressively take on big financial interests.

But Webb ended his appearance by saying that he was “very proud of having worked in the Reagan administration” as secretary of the Navy. He pointed out to reporters that conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer shared his view of the Confederate flag — that it shouldn’t be used as a political symbol but that good people fought on both sides. Democratic primary voters are unlikely to be impressed by those references.

Even if he wanted to come at them from the right, this isn’t going to get the job done. There might be a few conservative/moderate Democratic primary voters who would be with him on deficit reduction or maybe NSA surveillance or something, but evoking Reagan and the confederate flag (not to mention Krauthamer!) is like saying he’s for segregation and imperialism.

Maybe he thinks there are enough semi-sane Republicans out there that might switch. But they aren’t defending the confederate flag either.

I think he may be the only voter in the country with his particular set of values.


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