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QOTD: department of wishful thinking

QOTD: department of wishful thinking

by digby

They hope this is true anyway:

“You can make the argument that hyperbolic rhetoric like this paints the rest of the field as much more moderate,” said Brian Walsh, a veteran Republican operative. “It’s harder in the long run to paint Republicans like Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio as representative of the far right when that rhetorical space is being filled by someone like Donald Trump.”

Yeah. Except Republican primary voters seem to like him quite a bit:

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and businessman Donald Trump top the list of GOP presidential contenders following their back-to-back campaign launches in mid-June, and are the only two Republican candidates holding double-digit support among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents.

I would just remind people that there is a strain in American politics that just loves really rich popular blowhard businessmen. It’s the Ross Perot phenomenon. Perot wasn’t as crude about Mexicans, but his message was very similar to Trump’s. A lot of people like that.

*And remember, Trump doesn’t need any donors… there is no way to discipline him.

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