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QOTD: A conservative intellectual

QOTD: A conservative intellectual

by digby

That would be Rich Lowry, the editor of the National Review:

As for his instantly notorious Mexico comments, they did more to insult than to illuminate, yet there was a kernel in them that hit on an important truth that typical politicians either don’t know or simply fear to speak. “When Mexico sends its people,” Trump said, “they’re not sending their best.”

This is obviously correct. We aren’t raiding the top 1 percent of Mexicans and importing them to this country. Instead, we are getting representative Mexicans, who — through no fault of their own, of course — come from a poorly educated country at a time when education is essential to success in an advanced economy.

He’s 2016’s compassionate conservative: they can’t help being all rapey, being uneducated and whatnot. That’s just how “those people” are.

He is right about one thing, unfortunately:

Trump’s new enemies are doing him an enormous political favor, at least in the short term. There are few things that benefit a Republican candidate in the current environment of left-wing bullying more than getting fired and boycotted for something he’s said. And Trump’s smash-mouth response — oh, yeah, I’m going to sue Univision for a cool $500 million — will be even more endearing to primary voters.

Oh, they love him for more than that. They love him for saying what they all believe.


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