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Seal up the border “north, south, east and west”

Seal up the border “north, south, east and west”

by digby

So, from what I’m gathering on the news channels, the fact an undocumented immigrant criminal allegedly killed a stranger for no reason means that we can close the book on this debate (He says it was an accident but you can’t believe anything those people say…) It’s done. Donald Trump was rightWe’ll just send all the undocumented immigrants back to Mexico (or wherever — does it matter?) and then we won’t have any more murders. So that’s good.

Here’s Dr. Ben Carson on the subject:

In an interview with The Daily Caller, Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson chalked the uproar over Donald Trump‘s controversial comments on Mexicans and illegal immigration to political correctness gone mad.

“It’s the P.C. police out in force,” Carson told the Caller’s Alex Pappas. “They want to make very clear that this is a topic you’re not supposed to bring up.”

“It will be interesting to see what their reaction is to the shooting in San Francisco,” Carson said, in reference to the murder of a San Francisco woman by a man in the country illegally, despite having seven felony convictions to his name.

“What we really need to be talking about is how do we take care of our illegal immigration problem,” he said. “I’ve talked about that extensively. And the key thing is we have to secure all our borders—north, south, east and west.”

We will build a wall all around us! It will be a thousand feet tall, rising from the Pacific and the Atlantic and it will keep us safe forever!

Oh wait. What about the nuclear bombs? I know, we can build Star Wars silos in the thousand feet wall to shoot down anything that looks dangerous, including nuclear bombs! That’s the ticket!

Then we will all live happily ever after.


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