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Meanwhile, in the fever swamps

Meanwhile, in the fever swamps

by digby

I wandered over to Right Wing Watch to see what the media wingnuts are saying these days and this pretty much sums it up:

Right-wing radio host Michael Savage joined other conservative pundits on Tuesday in blaming San Francisco’s “sanctuary city” policy for the murder of a woman by an undocumented immigrant, which he then used to warn of impending government violence against Christians and veterans.

He predicted that once President Obama incites a civil war by overloading the nation’s welfare system, liberals will employ “illegal alien gangs” as their “army.”

“It’s all well and good, the welfare state, until you can’t afford it anymore,” Savage said. “And guess what happens then? The country collapses. And guess what happens then? Exactly what the government wants, which is civil war and insurrection. And guess what happens then? There’s martial law and autocratic control. And guess what happens then? There are internment camps.”

He said that while the government will only “come for the returning war veterans” and “come for the Christians,” liberals will feel protected with the knowledge that they “have the army of the night behind you, and who is the army of the night? It’s the illegal alien gangs that you have behind you, it’s those who burned the city to the ground in Baltimore behind you, that’s who you have, those are your armies, you think we don’t know it? We understand your entire plan, we understand why you feel protected, we understand why you let a murder like this go unindicted, we understand all of this.

And this:

Just thought I’d let you know what the GOP primary voters are hearing from their “thought leaders.”


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