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QOTW: Megyn Kelly

QOTW: Megyn Kelly

by digby

She’s very upset as usual:

Kelly: Kate’s murder has since exploded into a national debate on illegal immigrant, sanctuary cities in crime. With the White House ducking the issue of its own acquiescence in these city’s decision to flout the federal immigration laws which were duly enacted. When asked repeatedly this week to speak to this case, White House Spokesman Josh Earnest declined to weigh in other than to refer folks to the Department of Homeland Security. A stark contrast to what we saw after Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, Missouri. A man we now know was attacking a police officer at the time of his death. His funeral saw three Obama officials in attendance, his death drew comments from President Obama personally. And the administration also sent in the DOJ and 40 FBI agents dispatched to Missouri after Michael Brown was killed.

Where is the swarm of agents in San Francisco? Then there was Freddie Gray in Baltimore, a repeat drug offender who was killed in police custody. Here again his funeral was attended by three Obama administration officials and again the President spoke personally to Freddie Gray’s death. And again, sent the DOJ in to investigate. When Trayvon Martin was killed in Florida, the President spoke to his death which was later ruled to be in self-defense. But Kate Steinle, nothing. No comments, no swarm of FBI agents, no DOJ investigation, nothing. Why?

[President Obama] picks and chooses the victims he wants to highlight and apparently this victim wasn’t deemed worthy.”

If Kelly thinks the president’s job is to go to the funeral of everyone who is gunned down in America he’s going to be very busy indeed. In fact, we will need a full time executive bureaucracy devoted to the task.

This is a line they’ve been using every since three obscure members of the administration attended Michael Brown’s funeral. At that point they were shrieking like hyenas that Obama was sending officials to the young thug’s funeral while ignoring the funeral of General Michael Green. That didn’t turn out so well:

On August 18, Washington Examiner editor and Fox News contributor Byron York described how claims that the Obama administration neglected to send a representative to pay respects to Greene began on right-wing blog Legal Insurrection and began to gain traction in the right-wing media. York apologized for personally pushing the story and pointed to coverage of Hagel’s attendance to set the record straight.

I was wrong. It turns out Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel did, in fact, attend the Greene funeral, a fact I should have known. Before sending out the tweet, I made a couple of perfunctory checks to see whether Hagel had attended, didn’t see him in the news coverage I read and passed on the information without further checking. If I had looked into it just a bit more, I would have seen, for example, a Stars & Stripes article that specifically mentioned Hagel’s presence. Once I saw that, I sent out two tweets correcting the mistake.

Right wingers spend an inordinate amount of time criticizing Democrats for their funeral habits. It’s a real thing with them.

Oh, and by the way, that Kelly commentary? Eric Wemple reminded us that Kelly insists, “I’m a straight-news anchor. I’m not one of the opinion hosts at Fox.”


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