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Science is just an opinion

Science is just an opinion

by digby

These people don’t love their children or they wouldn’t be so cavalier about the future:

“The single most important step for polar bear conservation is decisive action to address Arctic warming,” the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) wrote this week in their draft recovery plan for polar bears, which are listed as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. The plan was issued after newly released data from the U.S. Geological Services (USGS) showed that greenhouse gas emissions are the species’ “primary threat,” due to the predicted Arctic sea ice loss that will diminish polar bears’ habitat and food supplies.

But don’t worry, polar bears are “doing just fine,” according to the Daily Caller.

To refute the federal agencies’ warnings, the conservative news publication turned to scientists affiliated with the fossil fuel-backed Heartland Institute. Daily Caller first quoted Canadian biologist Mitchell Taylor, who dismissed the USGS’ report because he said it is “based on climate models, not empirical data.” The agency’s climate models are “an expression of their opinion,” said Taylor, adding that “it’s simply their idea of what will happen if the carbon models are correct.”

If only they showed such skepticism toward the junk science that says you will get cancer from abortion…


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