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Disabling the argument

Disabling the argument

by digby

There has been a lot of loose talk about slackers claiming SSI disability when they should be out there working like Real Americans. Krugman notes:

[I]sn’t there an epidemic of people declaring themselves disabled? Actually, no. You have to bear in mind the reality that people don’t stay perfectly healthy until they reach 65, or 70, or whatever age plutocrats think they should work until. As all of us pre-seniors can attest, things start to go wrong with increasing frequency all along the life cycle; sometimes they can be managed, but often they can’t, especially for manual workers. And if you look at age-adjusted disability rates, they have been flat or even declining:

Needless to say, the many millions of right wing Republicans who become injured or sick and collect disability payments are the only ones who deserve it.


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