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Saint Donald

Saint Donald

by digby

So, Trump believes he’s got a big national following.  A majority in fact:

Here’s a guy who believes there might be a silent majority, but worries about the martyrdom of someone like Trump who has had to sacrifice himself for the cause:

Rush Limbaugh:Look at what it has cost Donald Trump. You know, I’ve been asking in the past couple of days, “Is there a silent majority out there? Why don’t they stand up? Where is the outrage?

“Where is the uprising when little bakeries are shut down, when photography shops are shut down? When massive state governments put gag orders on average ordinary citizens, where is the opposition?” I’ve been asking, “Where is it?” I know it’s there. It’s afraid to show up. It’s afraid to pop up. You know it and I know it. People see what’s happening to their neighbors. They don’t want to have it happen to them; they shut up. Donald Trump didn’t shut up. Look at what this has cost him in just one issue, in just changing the focus.

I don’t know how long it’s going to last, but on just one issue look at what it has cost Donald Trump. Look at the abuse that he has taken and had to take. Look at how much business he has had to lose. Although Trump, in classic Trump fashion, has issued a press release today saying all of this is actually increasing his business. He genuinely is one of a kind. But three of the largest companies that have abandoned Trump and have attempted to impugn and damage his reputation are media companies.

You have NBC, you have Univision, and then the gutless wonders at ESPN. And then you have Macy’s. And then you have the PGA of America and the USGA of America. You have all of these companies that are telling Trump, “Sorry, pal, we can’t do business with you.” I don’t know of a single other person in the Republican field who would not have caved already after the first of these!

Donald Trump was on Greta last night and said, “I don’t care how much this costs my companies. I want to save my country.” Now, I don’t know how long his campaign is going to last, and I don’t pretend to know that he’s in this for the long haul. All I’m telling you is that yesterday and every day prior, whenever there was news about Trump it was, “What a creep. What an egotist. What an extremist! How politically incorrect. How mean.”

Whatever, it was about him. Today, finally (and even beginning last night), the news is about the issue he has been calling attention to. It’s amazing, I think. You don’t see this, a single human being change the entire debate on a single subject? It shouldn’t take this. It shouldn’t require somebody to have to lose and lose and lose money in their businesses. It shouldn’t require somebody losing their reputation.

It shouldn’t require somebody to volunteer to take this kind of abuse (and their families as well) just to have a discussion about an issue, especially when it comes to immigration. There’s no defense for what’s been happening! There’s no defense for open borders. There’s no defense for criminal activity. There’s no common sense way under the sun that anybody should be able to defend anything happening regarding illegal immigration.

The humanity…

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