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GOP candidate says God will judge greedy bankers so it’s all good #noneedforgummint

GOP candidate says God will judge greedy bankers so it’s all good 

by digby

Ladies and gentlemen, the weirdo Governor of Ohio, John Kasich:

Though no Wall Street bankers went to jail as a result of the financial crisis, the deeply-religious governor warned of a different sort of punishment: “Just because you do something that’s greedy that can end up in failure doesn’t mean you committed a crime. But you know what? There’s a judgment that comes later, about how many people get hurt. And frankly, that’s a pretty tough judgment in my opinion.”

Don’t worry your pretty little heads about all that Wall Street greed and avarice.  They’ll feel bad about it later.  And they might even go to hell, so that’s good.

Seriously, if one of these fools ever uses the words “moral authority” again, my head is going to explode. Apparently the government must intervene on God’s behalf to impeach a president over a consensual sex act but regulating economic activity must be left to the afterlife.


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