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So Trump is excellent news for Jeb!?

So Trump is excellent news for Jeb!?

by digby

According to this article, GOP strategist say it’s all good. Or not:

They say getting into a “food fight” with Trump would diminish Bush, the two-time Florida governor who is a leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination.

But Bush also can’t sit back and let Trump’s barbs go unchallenged, Republican operatives say, so he will have to pick his battles as the 2016 races unfolds.
Having established a foothold at the head of the field, Trump’s presence in the race — and his ability to dominate media coverage — could prove beneficial to Bush.

“It’s taking the oxygen out of the field from the other 15 [candidates], because the only two with name ID are Bush and Trump,” said Ford O’Connell, a Republican strategist who worked on John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign.
“His 24-7 media click bait is basically making it so the only other name being mentioned is Bush, which is actually helping Bush. Turn on the TV, turn on the radio, there is not another name being mentioned other than Scott Walker’s in Iowa,” O’Connell added.

“The advantage that Bush gains from Trump is it makes clear that Bush ain’t Trump,” said Rich Galen, a GOP strategist. “I think Trump’s helping Bush because he’s establishing him as a legitimate contender.”
Radio host Michael Smerconish has called on Bush to condemn Trump’s remarks, arguing on Twitter “there are not enough white voters left to solve @GOP math problem created by alienating non-whites.”

Instead, Bush has taken a milder approach.

“I don’t think he represents the Republican Party, and his views are way out of the mainstream of what Republicans think,” he told reporters in New Hampshire.

A post on Trump’s Twitter account — which was promptly deleted — said Bush “has to like Mexican illegals because of his wife,” Columba, who was born in Mexico. Trump later denied he had anything to do with the message.

Bush responded to Trump, but it wasn’t much of a slapdown.

“You can love the Mexican culture, you can love your Mexican-American wife, and also believe that we need to control the border. This is a bizarre kind of idea that somehow you can have an affection for people in a different country and not think that the rule of law should apply. This is ludicrous,” Bush said.

Strategists say Bush is smart not to exchange haymakers with Trump, who has a reputation for escalating fights and not backing down.

“The best way is for Bush to continue to put Trump in his place by saying his comments are only intended to generate headlines, they’re not based in real facts,” said Ron Bonjean, a GOP strategist and former congressional GOP leadership aide.

“What Bush is obviously trying to do is not get into a food fight with Donald Trump but at the same time push back. It’s a careful line to tread. You don’t want to create a sideshow spectacle by taking Trump’s bait,” he added.

While Bush has appeared presidential by responding calmly to Trump’s barbs, he has expressed some irritation at the media whirlwind they generate.

Bush said in a Fox News interview Wednesday he was not interested in getting into a rhetorical battle with the billionaire candidate.

“I’m done. I’m through. I gave my views. I just think that we need to be much more hopeful and optimistic about our ideology,” he said.

“We should focus on that and not get into a food fight that only brings energy to someone who I doubt will be president and is not a constructive force for our party,” he added.

So, he’s doing the right thing then by moving on. Unless he doesn’t:

Trump isn’t letting up, having panned Bush’s support for Common Core education standards as “pathetic” and his approach to immigration reform “baby stuff” during a recent Fox News interview.

“The question is whether Bush can keep the car between the two white lines, because chances are Trump’s comments are going to get more incendiary,” O’Connell said.

I don’t know what to think from reading that except that whatever Bush does, as long as it’s the right thing, will be good for Bush. And Trump is a problem except for the fact that he helps Bush. Either way, all these GOP strategists think Bush is pretty darned terrific and that whatever happens it’s good for him.

What an illuminating article.


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