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Marco Rubio calls for the smelling salts

Marco Rubio calls for the smelling salts

by digby

Who knew Marco Rubio was such a prissy little Miss Manners?

“It’s important we have– to conduct the presidency, it has to be done in a dignified way, with a level of class. I don’t think the way he’s behaved over the last few weeks is either dignified or worthy of office he seeks.”

“We already have a president now that has no class. I mean, we have a president now that does selfie-stick videos, that invites YouTube stars there, people who eat cereal out of a bathtub… he goes on comedy shows to talk about something as serious as Iran. The list goes on and on.”

“It’s important to have a presidency that restores dignity and class to the White House. And I don’t believe that some of the language Mr. Trump is employing is worthy of the office. I just do not.”

This goes back to the idiotic “grown-ups” bs I wrote about in my Salon piece this morning. Rubio’s pulling the George W. Bush line of bringing “honor and dignity” back to the White House as if he just invented it.

Yes, this classy George W. Bush:

While he was appearing on the David Letterman show (Oct. 19, 2000), during a commercial break when executive producer Maria Pope was leaning over to consult with Letterman, Mr. Bush reached out and cleaned his glasses using the hem of her green jacket.

Or this. Very dignified:

Lectures about “dignity” in the White House from Republicans. Hilarious.

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