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OH who cares what the people actually think #Irandeal

OH who cares what the people actually think #Irandeal

by digby

Look who backs the Iran deal:

Most American Jews want Congress to approve the deal reached between world powers and Iran over its nuclear program, a poll released on Thursday showed.

According to the poll, sponsored by the L.A. Jewish Journal, 53 percent of those surveyed said Congress should approve the deal, while 35 percent said Congress should oppose it, compared to 41 percent and 38 percent, respectively, in the general population.

In answer to the direct question “Do you support or oppose the Iran deal,” however, 49 percent answered in the affirmative to 31 percent against.

According to the L.A. Journal, the survey’s results reflect a significant divide between the positions of most of the main Jewish groups, such as AIPAC and many Jewish Federations, and the majority of U.S. Jews.

According to officials in the pro-Israel camp, AIPAC will deploy about 300 lobbyists on Capitol Hill next week to try to convince lawmakers, especially undecided Democrats, to vote against the deal.

In other words, right wing Jewish groups are working against the wishes of a majority of American Jews. Of course, that tracks with the right wing’s influence on pretty much everything so no surprise there.

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