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“An activity I love” #killing #CecilTheLion

“An activity I love”

by digby

Just as I cannot bear that little kids are starving or dying from disease, and just as I abhor violence, war and all warlike activity, I am deeply concerned about the fate of animals on our planet. I make no apologies for that.  This makes me heartsick.

Mr Palmer is said to have shot Cecil with a crossbow, injuring the animal. The group didn’t find the wounded lion until 40 hours later, when he was shot dead with a gun.

The animal had a GPS collar fitted for a research project by UK-based Oxford University that allowed authorities to track its movements. The hunters tried to destroy it, but failed, according to the ZCTF.

On Monday, the head of the ZCTF charity told the BBC that Cecil “never bothered anybody”. 

“He was one of the most beautiful animals to look at,” Johnny Rodrigues said.
The American tourist, who is believed to have paid about $50,000 (£32,000) to go on the hunt, is said to have shot the animal with a crossbow and rifle.

It was later skinned and beheaded, according to the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force (ZCTF), a local charity.

Two Zimbabwean men – a professional hunter and a farm owner – have been charged with poaching offences because the group did not have a hunting permit.

They could face up to 15 years in prison in Zimbabwe if they are found guilty. They are due to appear in court on Wednesday.

‘An activity I love’

But Mr Palmer, who is thought to be back in the US, insisted that his guides had secured “all proper permits” for the hunt.

“I relied on the expertise of my local professional guides to ensure a legal hunt,” he said in a statement on Tuesday.

He said he had not been contacted by authorities in Zimbabwe or the US but said he “will assist them in any inquiries they may have”.

“Again, I deeply regret that my pursuit of an activity I love and practice responsibly and legally resulted in the taking of this lion,” he added.

Killing lions is anything but responsible and his regrets are worth nothing. This beautiful creature was killed by a rich, American … sociopath who loves killing rare exotic animals. He shot him with a crossbow and the poor thing suffered for almost 2 days until they found him.

RIP Cecil:

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