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And afterwards, some shooters by @BloggersRUs

And afterwards, some shooters
by Tom Sullivan

The Oath Keepers have been back in Ferguson, Missouri for about a week, armed to the teeth and representin’ their right to carry AR-15s into a volatile situation. The Southern Poverty Law Center describes the Oath Keepers as a “fiercely antigovernment, militaristic group.” The Washington Post explains that carrying loaded long guns in public is legal in most states.

“Their presence was both unnecessary and inflammatory,” says St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar.

Raw Story reports that the armed white men plan to arm black Ferguson protesters and then surround them to protect them from police. Because the Oath Keepers have a dream or something:

The gun-loving Oath Keepers plan to arm 50 black demonstrators with AR-15 rifles in Ferguson, Missouri, and basically dare police to shoot them.

The leader of the group’s local chapter told Red Dirt Report that the event would likely be held before the end of this month to protest an order last week by law enforcement officers to Oath Keepers to put away their rifles while in city limits.

“Every person we talked to said if they carried they’d be shot by police,” said Sam Andrews, head of the Oath Keepers chapter in St. Louis County. “That’s the reason we’re going to hold this event, and it will be a legal demonstration. I’m sick and tired of law enforcement who doesn’t think they have to abide by the law. They’re narcissistic and that guy (the county police chief) discredited my men.”

And after they bug out the AO, the totally not narcissistic survivors with their weapons will regroup down at Hooters for some shooters.

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