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Trump is your average Fox viewer

Trump is your average Fox viewer

by digby

An awful lot of people don’t care to admit that they might be a little bit sexist. Liberals have made some strides in raising their consciousness about racism but many still seem to be happily unaware that many of their assumptions and stereotypes are derogatory and demeaning toward women. It’s always a surprise to me when I see this among otherwise enlightened people but it’s a primal attitude that runs so deeply I guess it will take a very long time to bring it all to the surface.

But my God, as frustrating as that is  — you’d think this sort of thing would have gone out of style in the 1950s.

Today a bunch of phony Republican opportunists are condemning Trump for resuming his twitter harassment of Megyn Kelly. It is very crude. But it’s no different than what their hosts and guests say every day. It’s a toxic cesspool of sexism that’s just fine with them unless it’s a Republican rival doing it.


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