Let’s help GOP billionaires attack each other
by Spocko
“When your opponent is drowning, them ’em an anchor.”
–old phrase from some famous person you admire
I’m angry today. Maybe it’s because of watching the GOP “debate” or the BLM protests or maybe it’s because of the Planned Parenthood attack. But as I thought of all this I started getting angry.
You’ll like me when I’m angry. Because when I get angry I get strategic. Then tactical. Then I take a shower.
Then I write a blog post.
You know what? Screw the Kochs and their billionaire buddies. Screw Fox News and their staged “debate.” Screw sitting back and laughing at the mockery they are making of our representative democracy.
Lots of people are happy to sit back and let the billionaires on the right fight it out. I get that, but in the the process we let the right wing institutions and methods continue.
When we let them set the rules puppets fight puppets, not puppet masters fighting each other. (Presidential politics is a game with low stakes for them, since 95 percent of the players give them what they want.)
I say it’s time to help the billionaire backers destroy each other–while they target their opponent’s chosen candidate. But the help I’m thinking of is not just helping one less obnoxious candidate win against another. I want to help them in a way that turns the public on all of them and their system.
I’m not talking about finding some FEC violations (do those even exist anymore?) and fining them. I’m talking about finding the kind of thing that nauseates the general public “Which GOP billionaire backer kicked his dog? Shocking undercover elevator video revealed!” (based on a true story)
I’m thinking about stories that piss off their investors “SEC investigation uncovers massive security fraud by Cruz backer!”
I’m hoping for leaks that require the billionaires to roll out their criminal attorneys “Trump demands DoJ look into criminal fraud in Walker backers!”
Ask yourself, “What kind of piece would NewsMax want to run about Trump?” Not what would piss you off, what would piss the NewsMax readers off?)(remember, Cheers for insulting Rosie, Boos for insulting McCain.”
What story would Brietbart want to run about Scott Walker that could hurt Koch? What Fox Business story would piss off the hedge fund managers who did NOT back Chris Christy and his pension fee scheme?
Maybe the team that spend 14 million bucks hunting the Clintons will start hunting Trump. I’ll have to ask Joe Conason if they are available for hire.
Who will run the whisper campaign that Rove ran on McCain?
I hear people talking about Hillary/BLM sabotage and it drives me nuts. Why don’t we go after the right? or, even better, “How can we make them hurt each other more?“
I know it’s hard to hurt billionaires and I know good people like my friends at the Center for Media and Demcracy are going after the Kochs, and raising money to expose other robber barons, but is anyone actively looking for serious ways to get these jokers in trouble? And by trouble I mean put them in jail, and by jokers I mean the big money players who have “nothing to hide” yet don’t want the public or their investors to know what they are doing?
Is someone creating dissension in their ranks so they attack each other or split themselves up?
The good news is that lots of people can do this, it’s not as if they have to lead the charge, just point the right wing media at the right places. If the Fox tries to do it journalisticly, great! Example news tip:
“Great job on Trump Kelly! BTW, did you know Trump screwed your old client Experian out of millions? – Your friend at Bickel & Brewer LLP?”
If one group of ham handed right wing ratf****** try to sell deceptively edited video about Trump passing themselves off as “journalists,” well
you didn’t tell them to do it.
Remember in Animal House, where they assigned Neidermeyer to do the dirty work? Why not? They are good at it.
It was sadly hilarious to watch Fox ask “tough” questions and then get praised for it on the left. But Trump fired back.
Ailes doesn’t want Trump? Let’s help Fox uncover dirt. Ask them for journalism!
Of course they won’t listen to us, but maybe one of their billionaire backers can take it as a challenge, “You look weak against Trump, why don’t you un-cover the hidden truth behind his ….”
Get the supporters of Lindsey Graham to dig into Trump like he dug into Obama’s birth certificate. But…and this is important, don’t ask the MSM to do this. Because that would mean doing their actual jobs, not just reporting on the horse race.
If they did a story they would be all “both sides do it” and ask everyone involved before they ran a Graham engineered smear. That is why we have to encourage the RW media to do it. And then double dog dare them to hit harder. Trump can take it, and then he can start dishing it out back, on the other billionaires…
Productive anger with your eyes on the prize.
My anger at right wing talk radio hosts, their distributors and their disgusting violent rhetoric, led me to act. Since 2007 it has cost the industry 100’s of millions of dollars in lost ad revenue (mostly from customer facing sponsors.) People have lost jobs. Distributors have had to make embarrassing statements to stockholders about their failure to keep the cash coming.
This includes the great work done by my friends who focused on Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. They have stopped 100’s of millions of commercial advertising dollars from going into the wallets of distributors.
This cutting of an easy revenue stream hurt them. They fought back, but, because we had the law and sponsors on our side, we had cover.
So who will help us in our fight between GOP billionaires? All the people working for GOP billionaires, Fox News and all the people working for Donald Trump. Let’s use these people to our ends. I derived this idea from another old saying.
“Let’s you and him fight.” –clever old guy who wins when his competition fight each other, instead of him.
We assume that eventually the candidates “throwing red meat to the base” stuff will stop, but not yet. And you can’t just go into one RW billionaire’s puppet lair secret bast headquarters and work on his behalf to attack another billion—oh wait a minute, yes you can. It happens all the time. The Ron Paul people were great at this.
Various candidates are trying to distance themselves from the crazy to seem moderate for the general election, but as we know, when you fight crazy people they fight back. I suppose it’s like bear bating, only you aren’t the bait, they are.
It might be fun to watch. BTW, I’m not suggesting this just clears the path for my favorite candidate. I’m suggesting we use the momentum of one big nasty player on another. Who wins after that is still up in the air. Help them focus their own arrogance, pride and deviousness on each instead of our candidates–and the rest of the country.