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“The Southerners are eyeballing the young Muslim males”

“The Southerners are eyeballing the young Muslim males”

by digby

You have probably heard about this infuriating story of a sweet 14 year old science geek by the name of Ahmed who built a clock and brought it to school and was arrested for doing it.  Why? Because a bunch of idiotic, racist white Texans in the school and the police department thought it looked like it could be a bomb like they saw once in a movie. I’m not kidding.  But don’t worry, the kid has promised never to bring one of his inventions to school again so we’re all safe.

This is, of course a direct outgrowth of the paranoia and nativism that’s been with us since 9/11. I wrote about how we reacted to 9/11 in this piece for Salon yesterday and I highlighted this 2002 article by Peggy Noonan that speaks directly to this attitude:

“So the Southerners are eyeballing the young Muslim males. Maybe these guys are bad guys. They allow themselves to think this in part because one of the things Americans regret most since Sept. 11 2001 is their lack of suspicion. We’re all very live-and-let-live. Before Sept. 11, young Muslim males could tell someone in passing that soon those towers in New York will go boom. And fearing to offend, fearing to hurt the feelings of another person, we’d let it pass. We’d mind our business, give them the benefit of the doubt. And now we wish we’d been less friendly, less trusting, less lazy or frightened. We wish we’d been skeptical. Hell, we’re the only nation on earth that is now nostalgic for paranoia.”

You may recall that as the “Shoney’s incident” where a middle aged white woman from Georgia got panicked at the sight of 3 “Middle eastern looking” medical students eating and joking around in a restaurant and called the police who instigated a three state manhunt.  The students were detained for more than 17 hours and lost their medical residencies at the Florida hospital to which they were enroute. Jeb Bush called the woman to commend her for her sharp observation skills. It was widely celebrated on the right as you can see by Noonan’s ugly screed.

13 years later we are arresting 12 year old inventors for bringing a homemade clock to school. How proud Noonan must be.

Glenn Greenwald wrote this morning:

There are sprawling industries and self-proclaimed career “terrorism experts” in the U.S. that profit greatly by deliberately exaggerating the threat of Terrorism and keeping Americans in a state of abject fear of “radical Islam.” There are all sorts of polemicists who build their public platforms by demonizing Muslims and scoffing at concerns over “Islamaphobia,” with the most toxic ones insisting that such a thing does not even exist, even as the mere presence of mosques is opposed across the country, or even as they are physically attacked.

The U.S. government just formally renewed the “State of Emergency” it declared in the aftermath of 9/11 for the 14th time since that attack occurred, ensuring that the country remains in a state of permanent, endless war, subjected to powers that are still classified as “extraordinary” even though they have become entirely normalized. As a result of all of this, a minority group of close to 3 million people is routinely targeted with bigotry and legal persecution in the Home of the Free, while fear and hysteria reign supreme in the Land of the Brave.

What happened in Irving, Texas, yesterday to a 14-year-old Muslim high school freshman is far from the worst instance, but it is highly illustrative of the rotted fruit of this sustained climate of cultivated fear and demonization. The Dallas Morning News reports that “Ahmed Mohamed — who makes his own radios and repairs his own go-kart — hoped to impress his teachers when he brought a homemade clock to MacArthur High,” but “instead, the school phoned police.”

Despite insisting that he made the clock to impress his engineering teacher, consistent with his long-time interest in “inventing stuff,” Ahmed was arrested by the police and led out of school with his hands cuffed behind him. When he was brought into the room to be questioned by the four police officers who had been dispatched to the school, one of them — who had never previously seen him — said: “Yup. That’s who I thought it was.” As a result, he “felt suddenly conscious of his brown skin and his name — one of the most common in the Muslim religion.”

This is, by the way, part and parcel of our equally ugly attitude toward Latinos and our ongoing ill-treatment of African Americans. Xenophobia and racism have always been with us but we’re in one of those awful times where it seems to be growing instead of going away.

And it shouldn’t be happening anymore at all. We are the richest, most powerful nation on earth and we should be above this primitive nonsense by now. There are no more excuses.

Here’s the dangerous terrorist being led away in handcuffs:


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