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QOTD: Ed Kilgore

QOTD: Ed Kilgore

by digby

After Carly Fiorina disgorged her stale trope about even Democrats not being able to name any of Hillary Clinton’s accomplishments, Politico went out and asked a bunch of Dems to list some of them for them.  It turns out to be quite a list which I’m sure will surprise a lot of people. (It shouldn’t. She’s been very active in public life for over 40 years.) Anyway, the list runs the gamut from the START treaty to working with China on climate change, global women’s rights, SCHIP, funding for first responders in the wake of 9/11, making adoption easier, setting the table for the Iran deal etc, etc. And yes, I’m sure people can come up with a similar list of negative accomplishments, with the Iraq war vote at the top of the list.

But to even take the challenge from Carly Fiorina, who squandered her own noteworthy accomplishment as the first woman president of a Fortune 50 company by failing so spectacularly that she is even supported by the people in her field is insulting:
Ed Kilgore put it best in the Clinton article:

I’m sorry, I have to call BS on this exercise, if only because it is emanating from Carly Fiorina, whose public policy accomplishments are exactly “zero.” If, say, HRC had (as I think it’s clear she did) a formative effect on the long effort towards universal health coverage, it’s vastly more influence than Fiorina has ever had on public policy.

Exactly. Where does Fiorina get off criticizing Clinton’s accomplishments? The best she can say for herself is that she broke the glass ceiling and then took the whole company with it.If she has ever done one thing that benefitted anyone but herself it’s yet to be discovered.


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