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Where *do* they get these ideas?

Where do they get these ideas?

by digby

And people wonder where loonies like that guy in New Hampshire gets his info:

Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman, who once tried to lead a revolution to oust President Obama from office, appeared on Alex Jones’ “InfoWars” yesterday to reveal “Why Obama Has Declared War On Christianity.”

Klayman said that President Obama is a secret Muslim who, in his quest for power, has turned military leaders into subservient “yes-men,” adding: “Maybe Obama is pushing them to the point that maybe someday will wage a coup in this country. I’m not advocating that but I know that some of these retired generals and admirals have talked about it. I know that, it’s been in the public domain, because Obama, and I’ll say it straight up because no one else is, you will, Obama is a Muslim through-and-through. Obama sympathizes with a Muslim caliphate, Obama sympathizes with the mullahs in Tehran, he sympathizes with the radicals in the far-east.”

Recall that Trump’s first statement after the Muslim brouhaha:

“The media wants to make this issue about Obama. The bigger issue is that Obama is waging war against Christians in this country. Their religious liberty is at stake.”

Also that a large plurality of GOP voters could see supporting a military coup.

Now I’m watching Trump supporters on CNN bringing up Reverend Wright.

Oy vey …


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