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Normal humans vs the clown show

Normal humans vs the clown show

by digby

Here’s Sanders and Clinton both getting big cheers for progressive ideas on late night TV and a few laughs as well:

Compare and contrast:

Technically, Fiorina wasn’t on late night but I had to include her since she’s the new comer.  I assume she’ll appear soon on a late night show. Probably the biggest act of chutzpah in all those clips, and that includes Trump, is Carly Fiorina saying “one of the things I think people are tired of is sanitized soundbites” and calling Hillary Clinton a liar.

Also too, she is not a very nice woman:

Seriously, the contrast among these people is extreme on every level as far as I’m concerned. Both Clinton and Sanders are lightyears more qualified, more articulate and more humane than these GOP clowns, creeps and climbers.


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