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She. can’t. handle. the. truth.

She. can’t. handle. the. truth.

by digby

Fiorina just hangs tough and refuses to admit she was wrong. She was on Meet the Press this morning:

At issue here was Fiorina’s description at the most recent GOP debate about one of the Planned Parenthood videos showing “a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.”

Todd said there’s “no evidence that the scene you describe exists” and asked, “Are you willing to concede that you exaggerated that scene?”

Fiorina insisted she didn’t and clashed with Todd, who said “the footage you describe at best is a reenactment.” Fiorina asked, “Do you think this is not happening?”

Then she said Planned Parenthood defending itself was a distraction from its crimes. Ms Moderate still wants to shutdown the government if necessary and is now calling Planned Parenthood a “Democrat Party slush fund.” Those Ted Cruz funders who threw her some cash are getting their money’s worth with this one.

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