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Debate drinking game words

Debate drinking game words

by digby

I am hoping that tonight’s drinking game will end up making me drunk with shots called for the words “wealth inequality”, “background checks” “Planned Parenthood” “prison reform” and “Black Lives Matter”. Double shots for “expand social security” and “unconstitutional surveillance.”

I will, of course, be busy banging my head against the wall every time I hear the words “Benghazi” and “emails.”

Seriously, I think this will be a good debate.  It’s not the freakshow we see on the right so it’s never going to be as much fun, but it’s good for the country to that there are some serious people running for president who can have a statesmanlike debate about the issues facing America.  I know that’s not what the right wing of the GOP cares about. But I would guess that there are a lot of people who do.

So, enjoy! It may be dull but I’d guess it will be informative. Which is important!

Join me live tweeting on twitter machine at @digby56 if you’re so inclined… I’ll try not to shlur my wordshsss.


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