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Politico covers all the important dirty gossip

Politico covers all the important dirty gossip

by digby

Yesterday they had this important expose:

The biggest national security threat to the United States is coming from inside the White House, Rush Limbaugh said on his radio show Tuesday.

Discussing President Barack Obama’s “60 Minutes” interview that aired Sunday, Limbaugh blasted Obama’s comment that Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server did not constitute a national security threat.

Obama told CBS’ Steve Kroft that Clinton “made a mistake” and “has acknowledged it.”
That, Limbaugh remarked, “is rich coming from Obama, because Obama is America’s
No. 1 national security problem, if you ask me.” Limbaugh went on to say that he is “not exaggerating” or “going for laughs here.”

“I really mean it,” he told listeners.
“I think Barack Obama’s our No. 1 national security problem or risk, whether by accident, by design,” he said. “I don’t know what else you’d call somebody who enables the Iranians to nuke up and then sees to it they end up with $150 billion to do with whatever they want, including buy new Boeing airliners and go out and sponsor terrorism in the Middle East.

I don’t know about you but I am stunned by this. Thank God Politico is bringing Limbaugh’s important insights to a larger public inside the beltway. People need to know about this.

Today, Via C&L, I see they have yet another super-scoop about The National Inquirer’s cover stating that Hillary Clinton has six months to live:

Stories about celebrities supposedly on the brink of death are well-worn territory for the supermarket rags. Even if most readers ignore them, the Enquirer has legitimately killed presidential campaigns before: Between 2007 and 2009 it broke open the story of John Edwards’ love-child, sinking the former senator’s White House ambitions while earning the erstwhile chronicler of alien sightings and two-headed cows the reluctant respect (and follow-up stories) of the establishment press.

Reached for comment, editor in chief Dylan Howard defended his paper’s Clinton coverage, pointing to the Enquirer’s history of airing the dirty laundry of politicians from Gary Hart to Bob Dole to Jesse Jackson.

“American voters deserve to know the truth about the health of Hillary Clinton given the questions that have been raised since 2012,” said Howard, adding that the Enquirer’s reporting “contradicts a letter her campaign released that attested Mrs. Clinton is in good health and fitness to serve as president. We believe that Mrs. Clinton should submit to an independent medical examination to clear the matter up once and for all.”

Politico helpfully goes on the recapitulate every bit of right wing gossip about the clearly decrepit Clinton’s age and health. It goes on and on and on.

This is Village journalism folks. They love them some nasty tabloid gossip and will use any excuse to wallow in its swill if they can.


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