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QOTD: Jeb! on presidential leadership during a crisis #paynoattentiontothehaironfire

QOTD: Jeb Bush on presidential leadership during a crisis

by digby

On CNN this morning:

“It’s what you do after that matters.”

This is useful information. Evidently, it’s just fine to sit on your ass waving away all warnings. This explains the entire Bush presidency. Even Poppy’s, who was asked what his agenda was and replied, “I’ll handle whatever comes up.”

And if it’s all about how you respond, then starting a war with a country that had nothing to do with it might be a bit questionable as well. Stellar leadership there, And then, there was the awesome response to a crisis by letting an entire city drown while you sing happy birthday on an airplane tarmac.

This is not an area Jeb should want explored. Whether it was ignoring the warnings on 9/11 or starting a war with an uninvolved country or failing to see the financial crisis or failing to respond to a natural disaster.

If he feels compelled to defend that record I feel sorry for him.


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