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QOTD: Ted Cruz

QOTD: Ted Cruz

by digby

Yes, he seriously said that the lasy debate’s CNBC moderators were all left-wing operatives doing the bidding of the Democratic Party:

“What you wouldn’t have is a bunch of left-wing operatives whose object is that whoever the Republican nominee is, they want him as battered and bruised as possible so the Democrat wins in November,” Cruz said at the Iowa GOP’s Growth and Opportunity Party in Des Moines on Saturday.

“Instead you’d have moderators that were trying to help conservatives make a decision who’s going to be the best and strongest conservative to represent us and win, who is the proven conservative, the consistent conservative,” he added.
The Texas senator and presidential candidate suggested a debate should be hosted by conservative radio hosts Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin.

“You know, how about we stop letting left-wing liberals moderate Republican debates?” he said.

“How about instead of a bunch of attack journalists, we actually have real journalists?”

Evidently, the Fox News moderators, Brett Baier and CNN’s Hugh Hewitt along with the commie symps at CNBC are all left wing operatives. And Republicans seem to be buying it.

I hope they do ask Hannity, Limbaugh and Levin to moderate. Should be very illuminating.


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