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The crazed secular progressives thwarted again

The crazed secular progressives are thwarted again

by digby

The Secret Service has accepted Donald Trump and Ben Carson’s request for protection. Think about that for a moment.

If you are wondering who is threatening these two, Ben Carson explained the request a while back:

“I’d prefer not to talk about security issues but I have recognized — and people have been telling me for many many months — that I’m in great danger because I challenge the secular progressive movement to the very core.”

Secular progressives, the wimps who cannot keep America safe and refuse to arm themselves like true patriots, have put Carson in great danger. Sure they have.

The Secret Service apparently agrees that some kind of threat exists. But let’s just say it’s highly doubtful that it’s the left wing hippies. If there are people out there who are angry and violent about politics right now, I think the followers of their Republicans rivals are a more likely place to look.


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