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QOTD: Dr Ben, who else?

QOTD: Dr Ben, who else?

by digby

From that Facebook post I published earlier:

“Every signer of the Declaration of Independence had no elected office experience…What they had was a deep belief that freedom is a gift from God.”

The Wall Street Journal issued a little correction on this doozy:

Thomas Jefferson, Sam Adams, John Hancock and many other signer of the Declaration of Independence all held elected seats in colonial assemblies, Benjamin Carp, an associate history professor at Brooklyn College, told the paper.

Carson’s spokesperson said he was talking about “federal office.” The fact that there was no federal government prior to the revolution might have made that difficult but whatevs. (I won’t even go into the “deep belief that freedom is a gift from God” nonsense …)

I would guess a lot of this is coming from that insufferable wingnut hack David Barton, who I wrote about for Salon recently. The man is a menace.


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